Solitons, nonlinear particle-like excitations with inalterable properties (amplitude, shape, and velocity) as they propagate, are omnipresent in many branches of science-and in physics in particular. Flat-top solitons are a novel type of bright solitons tha...
A single-beam-splitting approach was employed to enhance the signal intensity of LIBS under the extreme condition of laser beam grazing the surface of non-flat samples. Examining the time-integrated emission spectra shows that I-Split/ I-Single enhancement ...
Forward scattering noise may degrade the imaging resolution and diffuse the image in turbid water. The reconstruction of diffused images hidden by forward scattering noise is crucial for underwater imaging. To overcome the limitation of forward scattering f...
As a fundamental problem in earth observation, aerial scene classification tries to assign a specific semantic label to an aerial image. In recent years, the deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown advanced performances in aerial scene classifi...
Xinning Huang’s research team’s report demonstrates a dual-wavelength stable Q-switched Er-doped fiber (EDF) laser with a reduced graphene oxide (rGO)-based saturable absorber. The rGO is prepared by depositing the graphene oxide on fluorine mica (FM) usi...