Time-lens technology is of significant interest in signal processing and optical communication. The impacts of group velocity dispersion (GVD) on ultrafast pulse shaping in a time-lens system based on four-wave mixing are explored in Xie Peng’s research te...
To develop high-performance magneto-optical chalcogenide glasses and clarify the mechanisms of the Verdet constant, Haitao Guo’s research team designed and fabricated a series of GeS2-Sb2S3-PbI2 chalcogenide glasses, and the Faraday effects of the series w...
The microchannel plate photomultiplier tube (MCP-PMT) used in high energy physics experiments usually needs to be able to operate in strong magnetic fields. In this paper, Ping Chen’s research team developed a 3D MCP-PMT model in CST studio suite to study ...
The star images obtained through the CCD camera can visually display the star structure. In order to get the wide starry image, we need to extract the characteristics of star images to achieve the star image stitching. In the star images, star points, whose...
Solitons, nonlinear particle-like excitations with inalterable properties (amplitude, shape, and velocity) as they propagate, are omnipresent in many branches of science-and in physics in particular. Flat-top solitons are a novel type of bright solitons tha...