Research Progress
  • Scientists Prevent Critical Collapse of Higher-order Solitons
    Self-trapped modes suffer critical collapse in two-dimensional cubic systems. To overcome such a collapse, linear periodic potentials or competing nonlinearities between self-focusing cubic and self-defocusing quintic nonlinear terms are often introduced. A... Solitons are stable objects balanced by diffraction or dispersion and nonlinearity. A fundamental challenge in this field is the stabilization of solitons in multidimensional coordinates, since the 2D and 3D solitons in free space are always unstable and un...
    Mar 06, 2020
  • Scientists Solved Simultaneous Optical Trapping and Imaging In The Axial Plane For Light-matter Interaction
    Optical trapping has become a powerful tool in numerous fields such as biology, physics, and chemistry. But, in conventional optical trapping systems, trapping and imaging share the same objective lens, confining the region of observation to the focal plane... Optical trapping has become a powerful tool in numerous fields such as biology, physics, chemistry. In light-matter interaction, transfer of optical linear momentum and angular momentum gives rise to optical forces acting on the illuminated object, thus ena...
    Mar 05, 2020
  • Scientists Predicted the Dipole Solitons Can be Stably Localized Within A Single Well of The Nonlinear Lattices
    Nonlinear Fractional Schr?dinger Equation (NLFSE) is also adopted in soliton properties investigation recently. The formation and propagation stability of solitons in 1D saturable fractional media with nonlinear lattice schemes are unclear.To set up a phys... Nonlinear Fractional Schr?dinger Equation (NLFSE) is the fundamental equation in nonlinear regimes, such as self‐focusing or self‐defocusing cubic (Kerr) nonlinearity and saturable nonlinearity with either cubic or quintic terms. It is a hallmark physica...
    Mar 04, 2020
  • Scientists Experimentally Confirmed the Relationship Between Phase Noises and Harmonic Frequencies
    passively mode-locked fiber lasers (MLLs) have rapidly developed and been widely used in many application fields.Over the past decades, theoretical analysis models related to noise characterization have been built. However, no detailed study on timing jitte... In recent years, passively mode-locked fiber lasers (MLLs) have rapidly developed and been widely used in many application fields, such as optical frequency comb generation, high-resolution optical sampling, precision optical metrology, low noise microwave ...
    Mar 02, 2020
  • Scientists Reveal a Methodology for Highly Cost-Efficient Large-Scale Uniform Laminar Plasma Jet Array
    Developing cost-efficient large-scale uniform plasma jets represents a significant challenge for high performance in material processing and plasma medicine. Here, a V-I characteristic modulation approach is proposed by a research group of CAS to reduce the... Nonequilibrium atmospheric-pressure plasmas have been extensively used in various practical applications such as material processing, thin film deposition, nanoscience, plasma medicine, biological sterilization, and chemical analysis, due to their prevailin...
    Jan 14, 2020