High power diode lasers based on GaAs material system have found a variety of applications such as solid-state laser and fiber laser pumping because of their excellent performance in power level, power conversion efficiency (PCE), and reliability. Therefore...
It is demonstrated by neuroscientists that humans can be identified by their faces or voices because of the unique identity contained in faces and voices, which has great potential usefulness in security and surveillance systems. For example, a masked gangs...
For ultrafast optics, their precise dispersion control for pulse shaping is crucial for applications such as ultrafast spectroscopy, ultrafast imaging, precise delay control in a pump-probe experiment. Meanwhile, managing dispersion is vital for ultrashort,...
Object detection is one of the most important computer vision tasks and many researchers have proposed enormous object detection methods based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Still, the performances of these object detectors are hindered by the diver...
Malignant tumor (cancer) is a new organism formed by mutation of normal cells in vivo. It can grow continuously and escape the elimination of the immune system, which become the leading cause of death for its high incidence and mortality. Therefore, Early d...