As the broad-area lasers with high output power and low lateral divergence angle are highly desired for extensive scientific and industrial applications. The operating output power and lateral divergence angle of LDs are the two main aspects expected be...
High-energy radiation in space and nuclear irradiation environment induces colour centres in optical glass which can render optical systems and optical loads unusable. Radiation-induced damaging effects on optical glass can be reduced by modifying the chemi...
Due to its unique advantages such as high sensitivity to single photon, fast time response, high temporal–spatial resolution and magnetic field tolerance, the microchannel plate-photomultiplier tube (MCP-PMT), a kind of compact high-sensitive photo device ...
Reflective optical system as a key element in space remote sensing, which is widely employed in space to earth communication, has attracted great interests recently. However, the current systems cannot simultaneously satisfy the requirement of high image qu...
Glucose, as the predominant fuel and nutrition for brain and nervous system, plays a fundamental role in many biological processes, such as gene expression, thermoregulation and bioprotective properties. Only water can compete with glucose in being the most...