In recent years, multispectral filter array (MSFA) imaging is an emerging technique which inspired by digital cameras featuring color filter array (CFA). However, such method suffers from multispectral demosaicking from the captured raw data, and the sparse...
Conventional wide-field microscopy (WFM) can not provide optical sectioning (OS) images that are required for 3D volumetric reconstruction. The reason lies in the fact that the out-of-focus signals are always coupled within the in-focus plane. By introducin...
Optical tweezers have emerged as a powerful and flexible tool for manipulating biological and colloidal particles in a non-contact manner. Compared with standard Gaussian single-beam, the holographic optical tweezers provide a more convenient way to pro...
It is well-known that light can carry both linear momentum and angular momentum (AM) when interacting with a small particle, the optical linear momentum or/and AM can be transferred to the particle, resulting in observable mechanical effects. Unlike vor...
High-power tunable light sources around 1 μm wavelength region is a mature and widely used technology. Such high power, wavelength tunable Yb-doped fiber lasers (YDFLs) light sources are extensively used as excellent pump sources. However, the stochast...