Research Staff
Qiu Yuehong

Dr. Yuehong Qiu

Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics(XIOPM) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) NO.17 Xinxi Road, Xi’an,Shananxi,China,710119
Mobile Phone: 13571929231
Research Field:
Imaging Spectrometry, optical remote sensing, space electronics

In 1991, he graduated from Zhejiang University with bachelor’s degree in Industrial electrification. In 1996, he graduated from XIOPM with master’s degree in radio electronics. In 2002, he graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong university with doctor’s degree in communication and information system. He got the excellent completion of the CE-1 satellite interference imaging spectrometer, 863 major special hyperspectral imager. He participated in the development of the highest spatial resolution imaging spectrometer in China at that time and China’s first launched interference imaging spectrometer. He won the China Youth May Fourth Medal. In 2010, he won the second prize of Shaanxi Science and Technology Progress Award. From October 2011 to February 2012, he went to Cambridge University in the UK as a senior research scholar to conduct collaborative research work. He has published about 60 papers and 10 invention papers.

Representative publications:
[1]Yuehong Qiu,Desheng Wen,Baochang Zhao,Zhi Chen,Weidong Qiao,Interference Imaging Spectrometer of Chang’e-1 Satellite,Acta Photonica Sinica,Vol.38,No.3,pp.489-494,2009
[2]Yuehong Qiu, Chen He,Hongwen Zhu,A new one-dimensional chaotic map with infinite collapses, Journal of Electronics (China),Vol.19,No.3,pp.299-301,2002
[3]Zhi Chen, Yuehong Qiu, Yan Wen,An New Type of Large Dynamic Range of CCD Camera Video Signal Processing Circuits, optical engineering, 39(7),141-145,2012
[4]Ping Ruan, Jianfeng Yang, Yuehong Qiu, Weidong Qiao, Jiayuan Xu, a CCD splicing system.
[5]Baotan Jiang, Yuehong Qiu. Electro-optic Technology Application. Modeling And Analyzing The Noise of CCD,25(2),pp.64-67, 2010