2019.08.23 Lecture: A photonic topological bulk zero mode

Speaker: Dr. Jun Guan, Soft matter Photonics group and Dynamic Optics and Photonic group, University of Oxford

Time: 2:30 pm, August 23, 2019
Venue: Transient Building, 3rd floor conference room

Abstract: Topological photonics provides a controllable and stable platform to study topological phenomena in condensed matter physics. Empowered by dynamic aberration correction, we are able to fabricate state-of-the-art 3D topological photonic chip, with which we experimentally demonstrate for the first time a brand-new topological mode – topological bulk zero mode. This demonstration lays a cornerstone for photonic topological quantum computing.

Biography: Jun Guan received his Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from Xian Jiaotong University, Master degree in Physical Electronics from the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, PhD in Precision Engineering from Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt & Technische Universit?t Braunschweig, Germany. Before returning academia, he spent more than five years on research and development of advance photolithography machine tools at SMEE. He started postdoctoral position in 2015 at the Dynamic Optics and Photonics group, University of Oxford, working on the fabrication of integrated photonics circuits for quantum information processing, which was part of the Network of Quantum Information Technologies consortium based at Oxford. Currently he is research fellow at Soft matter Photonics group and Dynamic Optics and Photonic group, University of Oxford.