Dark Gap Solitons in One-dimensional Nonlinear Periodic Media with Fourth-order Dispersion

Data:24-04-2022  |  【 A  A  A 】  |  【Print】 【Close

Recently, a team led by Prof. ZENG Jianhua from Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics (XIOPM) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) theoretically analyze and consider the one-dimensional periodic nonlinear media with both second-order and fourth-order dispersions and reveal numerically the existence, attributes, and stabilities of dark gap solitons populated within the associated linear photonic band gaps. Their up-to-date result was published on Chaos, Solitons and Fractals.

During the past decades, the stabilization of solitons has attracted more attention in physical systems with linear periodic potentials or unregular nonlinear distributions, and in between them the unregular or aperiodic linear potentials including chirped and moire potentials.

Aims to provide a detailed theoretical insight into nonlinear propagation of laser (temporal) pulses in a periodic optical fiber system, Zeng and his team member investigated theoretically the creation of 1D dark gap solitons in periodic nonlinear media with both two and fourth-order dispersions.

Propagation of the stable and unstable dark gap solitons for different parameters. (Image by XIOPM)

The results disclosed of the proposed work can apply directly to the spatial systems with photonic lattice and high-order diffraction. In the future, the study will provide new insights into physics of dark gap solitons in higher-order dispersion regime.