Large-scale 3D imaging of insects with natural color

Data:27-11-2019  |  【 A  A  A 】  |  【Print】 【Close

High-resolution 3D imaging technology has found a number of applications in many biological fields. However, the existing 3D imaging tools are often too time-consuming to use on large-scale specimens, such as centimeter-sized insects. In addition, most 3D imaging systems discard the natural color information of the specimens. To surmount these limitations, Baoli Yao’s research team presented a structured illumination-based approach capable of delivering large field-of-view three-dimensional images. With this approach, 580nm lateral resolution full-color 3D images and 3D morphological data in the size range of typical insect samples can be obtained. This method provides a promising approach that can be used to support many different types of entomological investigations, including taxonomy, evolution, bionics, developmental biology, functional morphology, paleontology, forestry, etc.

(Original research article "Optics Express Vol. 27, Issue 4, pp. 4845-4857 (2019)")