Dependence of Field Splitting Characteristics on Metallic Components Topological Configuration in Multilaminar Plasmonic Films

Data:19-08-2021  |  【 A  A  A 】  |  【Print】 【Close

Kang, Yifan; Yang, Hongtao; Wang, Chao; Li, Yongfeng; Cao, Weiwei

The dependence of field splitting characteristics of multilaminar plasmonic structure on its metallic components topology is analyzed. It is found that the coupling interaction between metallic-particle-centered localized surface plasmons generates a collective effect, collective metallic-particles-centered plasmons, to dominantly determine the plasmonic resonances of the structure. When the metallic particles filling ratio within the matrix is high, this collective effect may cause resonance splitting phenomenon and greatly enlarge the frequency range of field splitting enhancement, which is the physical mechanism and also the designing guideline for multilaminar plasmonic broadband perfect absorber. The surface plasmon polaritons are concurrently superimposed on the metallic-particles-centered collective effect to establish an inter-group coupling competition effect, which may strengthen or weaken the preexisting resonance processes through constructive or destructive field interference in between. This serves as the theoretical base for narrowband field splitting enhancement applications. Moreover, we have revealed the existence of the corresponding relationship between the specific field splitting resonance and those participating or dominating metallic particles involved, which provides the advantages to finely tailor field splitting characteristics through precise implantation of nanoparticles.

The result was published on IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY.   DOI: 10.1109/TNANO.2021.3112704