Modeling of high-speed laser photography system for field projectile testing

Data:07-06-2021  |  【 A  A  A 】  |  【Print】 【Close

Sun, Ce; Jia, Yangyu; Wang, Danni

Field projectile testing plays a crucial role in national defense. Laser high-speed photography records transient processes with high temporal and spatial resolution and is an effective diagnostic method for range testing. In this study, a laser high-speed photography model is established from detailed aspects, including laser pulse energy for reflective imaging, accurate synchronization of pulse train and shutter signal, minimum exposure time and shooting frequency for targets with different velocities, and magnification correction used in the image measurement. Shooting experiments conducted in Nanshan Test center verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis and parameter selection. The models and methods described in this article can be a guidance for field testing.        

The result was published on OPTIK.  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2021.166980