This paper presents an approach to design the all-dielectric metasurface with multi-function in the near-infrared range of 1.5–1.6 μm. Based on the geometric phase principle, the all-dielectric metasurface is composed of the Si nanopillar and the SiO2'>SiO2 substrate as an emitter unit distributed in a 21×21×21 array. Under the incidence of the circularly polarized light at 1550 nm, the metasurface works as a vortex-beam generator with high performance which generates the vortex beam with topological charges of ±±1, and the mode purity of the vortex beam is 90.66%. Under the incidence of the linearly polarized light at 1550 nm, the metasurface also works as the azimuthally/radially polarized beam generator with high performance, and the purities of the azimuthally and the radially polarized beams are 92.52% and 91.02%, respectively. Moreover, the metasurface generates different output spots under the different incident lights which can be applied to optical encryption, and the metasurface with the phase gradient also can be used as the dual-channel encoder/decoder in optical communication. The simulated results are in good agreement with the theoretical derivation. The designed metasurface may become a potential candidate as a multi-function photon device in the integrated optical system in the future.

Schematic of the all-dielectric metasurface unit. (a) Top view of the metasurface unit. (b) 3D view of the metasurface unit.