Tunable Converge Optical Elliptical Vortex Based on Elliptical Helical Lens

Data:08-09-2020  |  【 A  A  A 】  |  【Print】 【Close

We present a new scheme to produce a tunable converge elliptical optical vortex (EOV) with a phase-only element: elliptical helical lens (EHL), which is studied theoretically and experimentally. As a result, the properties of converge EOVs can be controlled by adjusting the parameters of EHL. The topological charges of the EOVs can be directly read from the received intensity pattern. Because EHL is a hologram programmed in space light modulator (SLM), converge EOVs can be controlled just by reprogramming the SLM instead of replacing actual instruments. This work has potential applications in particle manipulation, as well as generation of OAM-entangled photons.


Construction process of the hologram of the EHL. a Phase pattern of the elliptical lens. b Spiral phase. c Elliptical aperture. d Phase pattern of the EHL. e Checkerboard pattern. (Image by XIOPM)