Zhi Yang’s research team’s work demonstrates the generation of the noise-like pulse (NLP) in an all-normal-dispersion passively mode-locked ytterbium-doped ring laser cavity with nonlinear multimodal interference as an equivalent all-fiber saturable absorber, for the first time to the best of their knowledge. Depending on the appropriate optimization of the intra-cavity birefringence and reasonable control of the curving curvature of the multimode fiber, self-started NLP operation can be built and maintained within a wide pump range. Additionally, the effect of the multimode fiber length on the NLP mode-locking performance and the generation of the high power NLP have also been experimentally studied.
(Original research article "Applied Physics Express Vol. 12, Issue 2, 022004 (2019) https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.7567/1882-0786/aaf417")