Women in Ultrafast Science Global Award 2022

Data:09-03-2022  |  【 A  A  A 】  |  【Print】 【Close

In recognition of the inspiring contributions made by women in science, the journal Ultrafast Science has established the Women in Ultrafast Science Global Award. This award aims to celebrate the achievements of outstanding women researchers by recognizing and supporting their important and original works in the field of ultrafast science, including attosecond light sources, attosecond physics, ultrafast lasers and applications, ultrafast imaging, ultrafast spectroscopy, ultrafast diagnostics, ultrafast materials and detectors, ultrafast and terahertz photonics, ultrafast electronics, ultrafast chemical physics, and other ultrafast phenomena.

Interested candidates for the Women in Ultrafast Science Global Award are invited to apply before May 30, 2022. Final awardee selections will be completed in June 2022.


Award Winners Will Receive

The Women in Ultrafast Science Global Award 2022 intends to select 6 recipients from the pool of candidates, including one first-class prize (CNY 15,000 bonus), two second-class prizes (CNY 10,000 bonus), and three third-class prizes (CNY 5,000 bonus). Each awardee will also receive:

A souvenir and certificate

A letter of recognition of their work, including a personal invitation to submit to the journal

Outstanding candidates may be recommended to the Editor-in-Chief for invitation to join the Editorial Board.



Applicants should be women who:

1. are the first author or corresponding author of original research which has not been published or already submitted for publication elsewhere, and

2. conduct research within the scope of Ultrafast Science (click here for specific information)


Application and Review Process

1. Application materials must be submitted by May 30, 2022.

2. Ultrafast Science will form a review committee in June 2022 to conduct a preliminary selection from all applications before selecting finalists. The journal will announce finalist candidates.

3. Finalists will present their research online in June 2022 to the journal's Editorial Board. Each finalist will be allowed 20 minutes to present their work. Editorial Board members will anonymously score presentations on three categories: innovation (40%), impact (40%), and expressiveness (20%). Award winners will be selected from these scores.


Apply for the Women in Ultrafast Science Global Award

Applicants must submit their materials before May 30, 2022. To apply, use the following link (http://photonica.mikecrm.com/6fgQgaN) or scan the QR code below. Applicants must:

1. Fill in the personal information form

2. Upload a research abstract of no more than 1,000 words (may include images) in .doc, .docx, or .pdf

3. Upload any additional supporting materials, such as PowerPoint presentation


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Contact Ultrafast Science

Editors: Nanqing Chu, Jiangbo She

Email: usjournal@opt.ac.cn

Tel: +86-29-88880368

Visit the Ultrafast Science Website