The 15th "Public Science Day" Held by XIOPM

Data:21-05-2019  |  【 A  A  A 】  |  【Print】 【Close

    Under the theme of "Making China Powerful through Science and Technology, Benefiting the Public with Popular Science", Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics (XIOPM) successfully held the scientific activity "Catching up the Light - XIOPM is Always on the Road ! " for the public on May 18. The activity has drawn nearly 500 participants from all walks of life, including students and teachers from primary and secondary schools, parents and other members of the public.

    The activity kicked off at 9 o 'clock in the morning. Xie Xiaoping, Deputy Director of Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, delivered a welcome speech to the audience. He noted that at "Three Major Chinese Technology Conferences", the General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly pointed out that "science and technology innovation, along with scientific popularization, are the two wings of innovation and development." The Director added that scientific popularization can not only improve the scientific knowledge and literacy of the nation, but also develop people's interests in science and cultivate their spirit of exploration, which would greatly facilitate and supplement the innovation of science and technology. The Deputy Director hoped that this activity can drive the public, young people in particular, to further explore the science, learn new knowledge and develop new skills.

    Then Dr. Wang Chao from XIOPM delivered a wonderful scientific report on High-Speed Imaging: Unraveling the Veil of Ultra Fast Phenomenon. In his presentation, he deciphered the "simple and intuitive" science behind cutting-edge high-speed imaging technology like framing cameras and streak cameras, in particular, the application of attosecond pulse as a new type of light source in the field of high-speed imaging of electron microscopic motion. By taking information processing technology of ultrahigh-speed attosecond light switch as an example, he demonstrated that attosecond light source, has a promising prospect in renewing the cognition of nature and improving human well-being. Then the science team combined the knowledge with fun, demonstrating a series of wonderful scientific experiments to show the magic of light and charm of the science with easily available materials. For example, "Gorgeous Fireworks Show", "Liquid Nitrogen Mushroom Cloud", "Magic Voice Change", "Fire Palm" and "Air Cannon". Students who were enthusiastic actively engaged in the experiments. The science play “Trick or Treat” which gave people a close look at changes in several common experiments brought the crowd to rising cheers.

    On-site exhibitions on light knowledge also delivered wonderful performance. With relaxing and lively language, graduate students from OSA/SPIE Student Branch of Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics explained about the natural phenomena of light, "rectilinear propagation of light", the "reflection or refraction of light", "color of light", "laser and optical fiber" and other scientific knowledge. Moreover, they also led the children to do experiments and experience the wonderful fun of light.


    Finally, the public visited the Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics under the guidance of the staff. In the State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics (SKLTOP), people learned about the world's cutting-edge science and technology and the country's major needs, new-generation photon information, and research and achievements related to photon technology. The public also experienced the strong academic culture of scientific research in the laboratory. In the exhibition hall of scientific and technological achievements of Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, the public learned about the major scientific research tasks undertaken and successfully completed by the institute since its establishment. In addition, the public observed and experienced many high-tech products such as vascular imaging equipment, 3D projector, which have been successfully transformed into the main battlefield of the national economy. 
    The Open Day was welcomed by visitors from all walks of life. Many visitors hoped that Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics could hold such popular science activities regularly to promote the popularization of science and technology and enhance the learning and innovation ability of young people. 
    As one of national scientific research institutes in China, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics will stay committed to providing cutting-edge global technology, meeting major national demands and working for the main battlefield of national economy with the reliance on its rich scientific resources. The institute will strive to enable the public to have close contact with the most cutting-edge optical technologies and achievements, improve public's understanding of optics and its application, continuously promote the popularization of scientific research resources, thereby contributing to the improvement of people's scientific knowledge.