Doctor Xue Bin Wins the CAS Lu Jiaxi Young Talent Prize

Data:10-05-2013  |  【 A  A  A 】  |  【Print】 【Close

The Lu Jiaxi Young Talent Prize of Year 2013 winners list was announced by Bureau of Personnel and Education, CAS recently. There are 50 young scholars of CAS winning the prize. Doctor Xue Bin from XIOPM was on the list.

Doctor Xue Bin

Doctor Xue Bin successively participated in the lunar probe project of our country namely Chang’e series lunar exploration mission including interferometer agglutination, velocity-height ratio compensation, calibration, ground verification and other key and difficult works and made outstanding contribution to perfect completion of the engineering. Doctor Xue Bin won the Lunar Probe Project Chang’e II Mission Outstanding Contributor Honorary Title awarded by six central ministries and one Shaanxi Scientific and Technical Award. He has published more than 30 papers and was granted with 14 patents.
The Lu Jiaxi Young Talent Prize was jointly established by CAS and Wang Kuancheng Education Foundation in 2008, main purpose of which is to absorb and unit young talents with innovative thought, to encourage young talents to face necessity of national strategy and international academic foreland and grow in innovation practical activities and to award young scientific and technological talents who have made outstanding contribution in all fields of study. Research Liu Hongjun from XIOPM once won the prize.