2007.9.27 Academic Report: Doctor Lin Yunlong lecture

Data:27-09-2007  |  【 A  A  A 】  |  【Print】 【Close

Report Subject: Canadian Vision for Atmospheric Optical Sciences for the next 20 years

Lecturer: Doctor Lin Yunlong

Time: Sept. 27  9: 30-10: 30am

Place: Space Research Department Building 52F meeting room

Profile of the Lecturer:  

Doctor Lin Yunlong, professor majoring in Earth and Space Science with University of York, Canada. He was an associate research fellow of Space Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), graduated from major of Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Technology, Beijing University in 1992, with bachelor degree granted, Later, he worked in the CAS Space Center in strategic research of space environment detection and space science development for more than 10 years. During the period he chaired researches of multiple satellites such as Practice IV, Practice V and Sino- Brazil Resources Satellite and a manned spacecraft in succession. In 1999 he began to serve as head of the Development Strategy Group of CAS Space Center, and worked as one of main contributors to Section A Scheme of double-star exploration project between China and European Space Agency. In addition, he has been the advocator and one of main designers of the project plan of China’s moon exploration project. During Feb. – May, 2002, he studied in Canada under support of CAS for short-term senior visiting scholar. After going back to China for consultations, he became the academician to Canadian academies. He is also winner of Lifetime Achievement Award of Canadian Space Agency, and executive member of COSPAR. 

He has published more than 20 high-level academic theses in internationally famous academic periodicals, and won three Scientific and Technological Progress Award Class I of CAS, two patents of space technology of China and one invention patent of US.

Main research fields: space optics; upper atmospheric exploration; spacecraft load design.