Professor Pierre .Shavell, French optical experts, visited our Institute and gave academic report

Data:10-05-2007  |  【 A  A  A 】  |  【Print】 【Close

 In the afternoon May 8, Pierre .Shavell, Professor with Charlie Fabry Optics School, South Paris University, France, dean of the Imaging Department of Physics and Class-I Research Fellow with the Theory and Applied Optics Institute of French National Scientific Research Center, visited XIOPM, and was welcome by Zhao Wei, Director of our Institute.  

 During the visit, Professor Pierre .Shavell gave the academic reports of “Europe’s Advantage in micro-optical network” and “Resonance in Electromagnetic Micro Cavity” to our researchers, and carried out academic exchanges with the attendants. Later, accompanied by leaders and experts such as Director Zhao Wei and Research Fellow Li Yulin, Professor Pierre .Shavell visited our national key laboratory of transient optics and photon technology, information photonics research department and plastic optical fiber applied engineering technology center.   

  Professor Pierre .Shavell is an internationally famous optical experts, and his research field covers diffraction optics, digital imaging processing,Optical Correlator ,Speckle ,Optical computing, etc. He has published more than 80 academic papers in succession, edited many academic works as the editor-in-chief and owned 10 invention patents. Now Professor Pierre .Shavell holds the posts of director of French Optical Society, member with editing committee of “Applied Optics”, the journal of the Optical Society of America, member with editing committee of “Optics Communications”, member with the Optical Society of America and SPIE, and member of European Physical Society, European Optical Society, IEEE/LEOS, India Optical Society, French Society of Physics and French Society of Electronics.